
Monday, September 12, 2011

Blue Fairy

~Lately I have been feeling a little jaded about the photos I have been taking, it seems to me like it is the same pictures of the same kids doing the same thing, just on a different day in different clothes.  Even with all the positive feedback that I received from Friends and Family on my photos, personally I still feel “Blah” with them~

~A while back I was lurking on Pintrest and found a Photo that I absolutely fell head over heels for.  These photos were taken in Disneyland (a place that I hold very dear to me) and the couple chose to dress in a 50’s style.  A combination of the location, the couple’s style and a very talented photographer made these photos seem timeless.  After showing Ryan these photo’s we decided the next time we go to Disneyland we would have to use this idea and create something similar with our rug rats~

~Last week I decided to search again for “blogs” to get a pick me up and get the creative juices going.  I found myself back to this couples photos, where I started to spend the next 2 hours looking at Wildflowers website and finding inspiration at each shot whether it be her personal or professional posts~ 

~I decided to start with my version of Blue Fairy from Pinocchio, Emerson had a perfect dress from her last dance recital and fairy wings that matched perfectly.  I let her do what she does best when she is in a dress, which is to play like a boy.  All of these photos where taken around what I guess we could call our "yard".  Ryan also snuck her over to the neighbors because they have this great little building that is ready to fall over any moment.~

~I do hope you enjoy these, as much as I did shooting them with her.  And if you have the time I always love to hear some feed back or suggestions with anything I post.~


Andrea Wiseman said...

GORGEOUS!!!! YOU SHOULD BE SOO PROUD.. of yourself and your adorable little fairy. Nice work.

Bonnie said...

Love Love Love these. She is a perfect subject.